Why is my crested gecko is not eating? As a reptile owner, you always want what’s best for your pet, and when they don’t eat as much as they normally would, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what the problem might be.
Crested geckos are usually very easy to feed and maintain, so when one stops eating altogether, there must be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.
So here are some of the most common reasons why your crested gecko is not eating. This is not meant as a replacement for veterinary care but can be used as an aid in diagnosing what might be going on with your gecko.
Why Is My Crested Gecko Not Eating?
1. Incorrect Diet
A poor diet is one of the most common reasons for a crestie to stop eating. Geckos need a varied and balanced diet in order to stay healthy. Make sure that you are providing them with the correct types and amounts of food.
Some Common Problems With A Crestie Diet Include:
- Not Enough Variet
- Too Much Protein
- Wrong Proportions
- Old Insects
Not enough variety – Crested geckos need to eat a variety of different foods in order to get all the nutrients they need. Make sure that your pet is getting insects, fruits, vegetables, and calcium supplements.
Too much protein – Protein is an important part of a crested gecko’s diet but too much can actually be harmful. Try to avoid feeding your pet exclusively live crickets or other high-protein feeders.
Wrong proportions – It is important to make sure that you are feeding your gecko the right proportions of food. An overfed lizard will not have enough room in their stomach to fit the necessary amount of food that they need, which can cause them to stop eating.
Old insects – Make sure that any feeder insects you are providing have been gut loaded and are around the right size for your gecko so he does not eat too many or get injured trying to digest something larger than his stomach.
If you suspect incorrect diet might be an issue with why your crested gecko is not eating then it would be best if you could talk with a veterinarian about getting some dietary recommendations specific for cresties.
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2. Enclosure Temperatures
Enclosure temperature is one of the most important factors in determining whether your gecko will eat or not. The enclosure should never be cooler than 71 degrees Fahrenheit and no warmer than 79 degrees at any time.
Enclosure temperatures that are too low can cause your gecko to stop eating, while high temperatures will make them stressed and agitated which may also prevent them from wanting to eat.
If the enclosure is not heating up properly then it might be a good idea to have it inspected by someone who does reptile set up in order to get everything fixed.
However, if you think this might have something to do with why your crestie has stopped eating then try using a thermometer to check the temperature in his enclosure to make sure that there are no big fluctuations.
3. Incorrect Habitat Setup
If you are having trouble determining why your crestie has stopped eating, it might be a good idea to take a look at his habitat and correct any potential problems.
If your crested gecko’s enclosure is not set up correctly, then it can lead them to not eating.
Some Common Problems With Habitat Setup Include:
- Not Enough Hiding Places
- Poor Ventilation
- Wrong Substrate
- Humidity Level
Not enough hiding places – Geckos need plenty of places to hide in order to feel safe and secure. If they do not have any place to hide, they may be too stressed out to eat.
Poor ventilation – An improperly ventilated enclosure will cause high levels of ammonia which will make your gecko sick and potentially cause them to stop eating.
Wrong substrate – The wrong substrate can be dangerous for your gecko and may also cause him to stop eating. A good substrate is one that is absorbent, easy to clean, and does not contain any harmful chemicals.
Humidity level – Crested geckos need to be kept in humid environments but if the humidity is either too high or too low then this can cause them not to eat. The ideal humidity level for crested geckos should be around 60-80%.
If you suspect that incorrect habitat setup might be an issue for why your crested geckos have stopped eating then it would be best to try moving him into a temporary new enclosure at least until you have corrected all the problems.
4. Wrong Tank Size
The size of your gecko’s tank is a very important factor that can determine whether he will eat or not. If the enclosure for your crested geckos is too small then they may become stressed and as a result, stop eating.
The best way to avoid this issue would be by making sure that his habitat is big enough for him so he can move around freely without feeling cramped or anxious.
Recommended Tanks Sizes:
- 5 Gallon Tank For Hatchlings
- 20-30 Gallons For Adults
The best way to avoid this issue would be by making sure that his habitat is big enough for him so he can move around freely without feeling cramped or anxious.
When searching for a new tank, make sure that it is made specifically for reptiles and not just small animals like hamsters since they have different needs.
If you think your crested gecko’s tank might be too small then try moving him into a bigger habitat and see if he starts eating again.
5. Health Issue
If your crested gecko has stopped eating for an extended period of time, it is possible that it could be a health issue. If you think this might be the case for why your gecko is not eating then it would be a good idea to take him to see a vet as soon as possible.
Your vet can check whether or not there are any signs of infection, parasite infestation, metabolic bone disease (MBD), organ failure, respiratory issues, or anything else that could cause problems with his appetite.
In some cases where malnutrition has been ongoing over an extended period of time, your vet may need to do surgery in order to remove any blockages that are present within your gecko’s intestinal tract.
If your crested gecko has stopped eating then it is important to take him to see a vet as soon as possible.
Even if you are not sure about the exact cause of his lack of appetite, getting checked out by a professional can help determine whether or not he needs any medications and also provide some peace of mind that nothing serious is wrong with him.
6. Feeling Sick
If your gecko is feeling sick for any reason, he will most likely stop eating as a way to try and save energy. There are many different reasons why your crested gecko might be feeling ill. However, the most common ones are due to infections, and parasites.
Some Common Signs That They Are Feeling Sick Include:
- Vomiting & Regurgitation
- Drooping Head Or Limbs
- Increased Sleeping
- Gaping Mouth
Medication may be necessary in order to help him recover and start eating again. If you’ve noticed your gecko is not eating then it would be a good idea to take him in for a check-up and see if they need any medications.
7. Feeling Stressed
If your crested gecko is feeling stressed, he may also stop eating as a way to conserve energy. There are many different things that can cause stress for a crested gecko and some of which we have outlined below.
Some Common Causes Of Stress Include:
- Loud noises or music
- Strong lights or direct sun exposure
- Being moved to a new habitat
- Introducing a new animal into the tank
Loud noises or music – Keeping your gecko in a room where there are loud background noises or even if there’s loud music playing, then this can also be a reason why they have stopped eating.
Strong lights or direct sun exposure – If your crested gecko is kept under strong lights or is constantly being exposed to direct sun exposure, then this can cause them not to eat.
Introducing a new animal into the tank – If your gecko recently acquired a new crested gecko and you introduced the two of them together, he may start to feel stressed if they do not get along.
Being moved to a new habitat – When moving your crested gecko to a new habitat, it is important to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Any sudden changes, such as being moved to a new home, can cause them to feel stressed and stop eating.
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8. Dental Problems
A common reason for a crested gecko not eating is because of dental problems. If your gecko has tooth decay, an infection, or any other dental issue, he will not be able to eat properly and may stop eating altogether.
If you’ve noticed that your gecko has red and swollen gums, then it could be what’s called mouth rot. Mouth rot is caused by bacterial infections and if left untreated.
Taking him in for an examination as soon as possible will allow the vet to provide treatment such as mouth rinses or antibiotics which will help clear up any infection that might be present.
If you think your crested gecko might have mouth rot, then it is important to take him to the vet as soon as possible. The vet can diagnose the issue and provide treatment such as antibiotics if necessary.
Signs of mouth rot include a loss of appetite, visible dead tissue in the mouth, pus coming from the mouth and/or nose, and red, inflamed mouth tissue!
9. Intestinal Parasites
Another common reason for a crested gecko not eating is because he has intestinal parasites. Intestinal parasites can cause your gecko to lose weight, become lethargic, and stop eating altogether.
If you think your gecko might have intestinal parasites, then the best thing to do is take him in for a check-up. The vet will be able to perform some tests on his stool sample to see if there are any signs of parasites present.
If there are, then the vet will be able to provide treatment such as medication or worming tablets.
10. Dehydrated
If your crested gecko is not eating, it is possible that he could be dehydrated. Signs of dehydration in a crested gecko include being lethargic, having sunken eyes, and skin that doesn’t snap back when you pinch it.
If you think your gecko might be dehydrated, then the best thing to do is to give him some fluids. You can either use a reptile dropper or if he will drink from a water bottle then you can offer him water in that way.
Once he has started drinking again and his overall health has improved, he may start to eat on his own again.
If your crested gecko is not eating and you think he might be dehydrated, then offering him fluids is a good first step before taking him to see a vet.
When you take your gecko in for a check-up, make sure that you mention if he has not been eating or drinking anything as it might be necessary for them to do some tests on his blood and urine samples.
If they detect any dehydration then the doctor may need to provide treatment such as fluid therapy so that he can recover properly from this condition.
11. Shedding
Crested geckos are known for their periodic shedding and if your gecko is in the middle of a shed, he may not feel like eating.
Most crested geckos will go through a full shed once every two to four months and during this time they will stop eating altogether.
The best way to tell if your gecko is currently shedding is by checking his skin. If it looks dull and there are no clear defined scales on his body, then he is most likely in the process of shedding.
If your crested gecko is not eating because he is currently in the process of shedding, then there’s not much you can do except wait until it’s over.
Once he has completed his shed and his skin is looking really bright and shiny, he will start eating again.
12. Threatened
Crested geckos are known for their sweet and gentle nature, but if they feel threatened by something then this could cause them to stop eating altogether.
One of the ways that your crested gecko might react if he feels threatened is by staying still or hiding away in order to avoid being seen.
This will often result in him not wanting to eat anything because his predator instincts have kicked into gear.
If you think there’s a chance that your crestie may be feeling threatened, it is best to take some precautions so as not to stress him out any further which can lead to serious health problems such as anorexia.
Try making sure that all lights are turned off at night-time so he doesn’t feel like he’s being watched and make sure that your gecko’s enclosure is not near any loud appliances such as the dishwasher or washing machine.
13. Breeding
Crested geckos are known to go through a breeding season every year and during this time they may not want to eat as much as they usually do.
This is because their bodies are focusing all of their energy on reproducing and they don’t need the extra food calories.
If your crested gecko is refusing to eat during his breeding season, there’s not much you can do except wait it out. He will start eating again once he’s done with the breeding process.
14. Impacted
If your created gecko is impacted it can stop eating altogether because it makes him feel very uncomfortable. This can happen when your gecko has ingested a solid or a semi-solid mass which can cause serious stomach blockage.
If you think your created is impacted, then it is best to take him into the vet as soon as possible so that they can perform some tests.
The most common causes for Crested gecko impaction are:
- Ingesting loose substrate
- Feeding hard-shelled feeder insects
- Feeding insects that are too large
- Nutritional deficiency
- Dehydration
If this is the reason for your crested gecko’s impaction, then dont delay, get him into the vet immediately!
15. Food Is Off
If your crested gecko’s food smells different to how it usually used to, then this could cause him not want eat it. If you’ve recently changed the brand or flavor of his favorite insects then he might be refusing for that reason.
If your crested gecko is not eating because he doesn’t like the food you are giving him, then it might be time to try something different.
Crested geckos are known to be very fussy eaters and can often refuse to eat if they don’t like the taste or smell of their food.
The best way to find out what your gecko likes to eat is by trying a variety of different foods. You can try commercial Crestie diet pellets, but also give him some fresh insects fruits and vegetables as well.
If he’s not too keen on the pellets, then mix them in with some of his favourite fruits or vegetables and see if that makes a difference.

How To Help Your Crested Gecko Start Eating?
In order to make sure that your crested gecko starts eating again, you need to look at the reason why he stopped in the first place. Once you have determined the cause, there are a few things you can do to help him start eating again.
- Hand Feed Them
- Try Using A Puree
If you’re having trouble getting your crested gecko to eat hand-fed insects or special Crestie diet pellets by themselves, then it might be time for an experiment.
Hand-feed them with their favourite fruit and see if they like that better than their regular meal of bugs and pellets. If this doesn’t work try turning their food into a Puree.
You can do this by blending the food up in a blender or you can even use a fork to mash it up. Once it’s all mashed, put it into a small dish and let your gecko eat it like that.
If he is still not interested in his food, then try mixing the puree with some water until it has the consistency of soup. This will make sure that your crested gecko gets all the nutrients he needs without having to eat anything he doesn’t like.
Why You Should Never Force Them To Eat?
There are some people who may try and force their crested gecko to eat. However, this is not a good idea because it can result in your gecko becoming very stressed. Not only that, but it can cause some serious health problems.
If your gecko is not eating, then as before it’s best to take him to the vet so they can help determine the cause and get him started on a treatment plan.
Trying to force your gecko will only make the situation worse and could potentially lead to death!
How Long Can They Go Without Eating?
A created gecko can go without food for two to three weeks. But it’s not recommended. If your gecko doesn’t eat for more than just a couple of days then it’s best to take him into the vet.
The longer you leave it, the more chances you have of him becoming ill. If your gecko does become sick, then he will need to undergo some tests so that they can determine what is wrong with them and how best to treat it.
We hope you have found this article useful and that you now know what to do if your crested gecko doesn’t eat. Just remember is, the most important thing to stay calm and don’t force your gecko to eat if he doesn’t want to.
Keep a close eye on your reptile and if he doesn’t start eating within a couple of days contact your vet. If there anything else you want to know about your reptiles dont forget to check out our other articles.
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