Can Turtles Eat cilantro? Cilantro is a leafy green herb that has been used for centuries as a garnish in Mexican and other South American cuisines. The flavor of cilantro can be described as an earthy, spicy, citrus taste with hints of pepper and cloves.
The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, and often added to salsas and guacamole. However, some reptile owners want to know if turtles can eat cilantro?
Well, there are many different species of turtles and each one has its own unique diet, and they all need protein, calcium, water, and minerals to survive. For most species of turtles yes! they can eat cilantro but it should be considered only as a treat and not part of their standard diet.
So generally, if you want to give your turtle a little something extra as a treat then that is fine!
Cilantro nutrition Value
So you know your turtle can eat cilantro but now let’s take a deeper look into the nutritions in cilantro and see what the benefits are for eating this lefty green.
First off, Cilantro contains vitamin C, which is needed for growth and development in many younger turtles it aids in the formation of collagen, one type of protein found in bone tissue that helps form strong bones.
Cilantro also contains riboflavin which plays a role in energy production by participating in certain reactions within cells. A deficiency of vitamin B2 can lead to weakness, skin disorders, and soreness of the mouth.
Nutrition | Per One Cup (16g) |
Calories | 3.68 |
Protein | 0.341 g |
Carbs | 0.587 g |
Fat | 0.083 g |
As well vitamin A Cilantro also contains vitamin K, as well as trace amounts of the following below which again can all be a benefit to your turtle’s diet.
- Lutein
- Folate
- Choline
- Potassium
- Zeaxanthin
- Manganese
- Beta-carotene
- Beta-cryptoxanthin
So there you have it! Your turtle can indeed eat cilantro “but again” only as a treat, not as a regular part of their diet! As long as you feed your turtle the correct amounts then cilantro can be very beneficial to their health.
When it comes to providing the best possible care for any pet, including turtles, make sure you do some research on whatever diet you choose so you know exactly how much and how often they will need to eat.
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Can Turtles Eat Cilantro Stems?
When we think of eating cilantro it’s usually the lefty part we add to our dishes, right? but what about the stems? The steam is very underrated when in fact they are the best part of the cilantro that carries all the good up to the leaves.
So it would be beneficial to know if turtles can eat cilantro stems as well in order to get a better and more whole meal of vitamins from the food they are consuming.
- Cilantro stems not only have more flavor but this is where all the goodness travels to other parts of the plant.
- In order to get maximum nutrients from cilantro then make sure you feed your turtle in the steams as well as the leaves.
- Make sure you wash the cilantro first before feeding it to your turtle!

If you really want to give your turtle the best care possible that will help them grow into healthy adult turtles then you should consider giving them cilantro stems as well as the leaves. Both are excellent additions to your turtle’s diet!
Do Turtles Like Cilantro?
When feeding your turtle cilantro for the first time keep an eye on them and see if they like it before adding more! Not every turtle will eat this leafy green and some are very fussy and picking when it comes to food.
A big reason why they might dislike the taste in some cases is because of the aftertaste! The taste of cilantro isn’t something most turtles like so if you feed your turtle this leafy green make sure you offer it to them mixed with other vegetables.
Of course, there are some who enjoy the taste so it’s important to pick up on their cues and let them know that they can trust you and try new things for themselves.
Just make sure you are giving your turtle a healthy balanced diet then consider whether or not they like cilantro. It’s important that your pet loves the food you give them, especially their greens!
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How Much Cilantro Can Turtles Eat?
Cilantro is best served as a treat, not a staple part of your turtle’s diet. If you notice that they are bored with their foods then the addition of cilantro can be just what they need to add some variety and get the nutrients they need in order to stay healthy.
Cilantro should only be fed to turtles when it is available and if you grow it yourself you will know you have fresh food for them to eat so there’s no risk of spoilage which can lead to toxic chemicals being left in your turtle’s ingredient!
It would be wise to feed your pet this leafy green once or twice every week since we don’t want them getting too much from this plant!
So when feeding your turtle make sure to include the best parts of cilantro which are the stems as well as the leaves, or better yet give them a mixture of both for an even healthier meal for your pet reptile.
Does My Turtle Need Cilantro?
Well, cilantro is a superfood for turtles but mainly because of the great benefits that come along with eating the leaves and stems not necessarily because they need it to be healthy.
When most people talk about providing their turtle with cilantro they are referring to using the leafy part as a way of boosting gut health and fighting infections from harmful bacteria like salmonella.
Your pet may have had an adverse reaction to similar foods such as spinach which is known to have high amounts of oxalic but this is only if you feed them too much over long periods of time.
Once you do start giving them this leafy green than be sure to give it to them in the right amounts!
Every reptile reacts differently so some of these guidelines may not apply when feeding your turtle Cilantro so keep an eye out for any weird behavior or sickness after feeding them this leafy green.
Once you find the perfect diet and feeding routine then make sure you stick to it! If there’s too much variation in what your pet eats then they will never learn how to eat food the correct way, and this can lead to a lot of strange cravings and habits that they find hard to get over.
If your turtle is having any weird reactions or behavior after you start feeding them cilantro then talk to an expert about it – or just stop giving them the leafy green altogether!
How To Prepare Cilantro For Turtles?
Cilantro is a type of herb that many pet owners feed to their turtles. However, it is important to know how to prepare cilantro for turtles so they can safely eat the food.
Overall, preparing cilantro for turtles is a fairly easy process that does not take much time at all.
- The first step is to make sure you give the cilantro a good wash to remove any loose dirt and grit from the leaves and stems then pat them dry using a dishcloth.
- The second step in preparing cilantro for your turtle is by just ripping up the leafy green with your hands or you can chop or cut up the leaves and stems with a knife or scissors if you prefer.
- After you have done this, you can serve the cilantro to your turtle mix in with other foods. Again if you mix it with other vegetables it will be much healthier for your pet.
Hopefully, this article helped give you some insight into how to feed your turtle cilantro stems so make sure you take a look at our other articles and blog posts for more tips on caring for your reptiles and amphibians.
Though cilantro is a great food for turtles to eat, it cannot be consumed in large quantities. You should only feed your turtle about one or two leaves at a time and give them the rest of their daily veggies as separate meals.
Please note that feeding too much cilantro can cause turtle digestive issues so try to keep the amount you offer them under control.
It’s also important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the herb before touching your pet since they could get sick from any bacteria on your hands.
The bottom line is that cilantro is a great choice for your turtle as long as you get the amounts right and provide them with other food too. Just be sure not to feed them too much of it or your pet could experience dangerous digestive issues!
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