Bearded dragons are some of the most popular reptiles to have as pets. These lizards come in a variety of colors and patterns, but they all share something in common: They love to eat vegetables! However, can bearded dragons eat chives?
Chives are a type of onion that is often used in cooking. They have a mild flavor and are a good source of vitamins A and C. They can be eaten raw or cooked, and they are available year-round.
Bearded dragons can eat chives, but they should only be used as a garnish! Too many chives can cause digestive problems for bearded dragons, so it’s important to feed them sparingly.
Chives are a good source of nutrients, so they can be included in the lizard’s diet occasionally, however they are high in oxalic acid which can be harmful.
Why Is Too Many Chives Harmful To Bearded Dragons?
Chives are known to be a healthy vegetable for people, so it makes sense that they would also be good for bearded dragons. But, as mentioned above chives are very high in oxalic acid and if you feed your dragon too much this can be very harmful.
Oxalic acid can also cause problems with digestion in bearded dragons. If your dragon has trouble digesting chives, he may start to lose weight can lead to more problems later on down the road.
Too Much Chives Can Also Cause:
- Calcium Deficiency
- Metabolic Bone Disease
- Kidney Stones
Calcium Deficiency
Calcium is essential for bearded dragons to grow and develop properly. If they don’t get enough calcium then their skeletons will not develop correctly, making them vulnerable to other health problems later in life.
This is why it is important to make sure that your bearded dragon is getting a balanced diet, which includes plenty of calcium.
Metabolic Bone Disease
Bearded dragons that eat a lot of oxalic acid-rich vegetables like chives are at risk for developing metabolic bone disease which usually happens in juveniles.
Metabolic bone disease is a condition that occurs in reptiles when they don’t get enough calcium in their diets. Symptoms include weakness, lethargy, poor appetite, and seizures.
Kidney Stones
Chives are also a risk factor for developing kidney stones in bearded dragons. Kidney stones can be very painful and can cause serious health problems if not treated.
So, while chives are a healthy vegetable for people, they are not good for bearded dragons!
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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chives Flowers?
Chives flowers are also edible, and they are a good source of nutrients and has a pleasant onion flavor that’s not overpowering, unlike their stems. The flowers are actually quite crunchy and are used mainly for savory preparations.
But are they any good for bearded dragons? Although there has been no research on the matter, it stands to reason that bearded dragons could eat chives flowers without any problems.
Just like the stems, chives flowers should only be fed sparingly to bearded dragons. A small pinch or two is all they need to get the benefits of these healthy flowers.
Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Chives?
No, baby bearded dragons should not eat chives. They are still growing and developing, so they need a diet that is high in calcium to promote bone growth.
Chive can be beneficial for adult lizards but too much of it could cause an imbalance in the young dragon’s body chemistry.
If they were to eat chives then the baby turtle could end up with the bone disease and shell deformation.
The best food option for them is live crickets or mealworms these will provide the infant with the right amounts of protein and other minerals needed for their growth.
Adults, however, will be fine “but” they should only eat it as a treat as it is not part of the main diet!
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cooked Chives?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat cooked chives. But, the problem with this is they will lose some of their nutritional value when it is cooked.
With that said, chives are a form of onion, and cooking them will make them not as potent and they won’t taste as strong.
But just like any other food if your dragon won’t eat chives then don’t keep mixing it in their food. If you’re giving your beardie chives for their nutritional value then it’s best to serve them raw!

Chives Nutritional Value
When giving your beardie chives this can add value to their diet but only if you mix them in with other vegetables that are part of their diet. Chives have a number of beneficial properties that can contribute to your pet’s health including Vitamin A, C, and B.
They are also high in fiber which is good for their digestion! But again only if they are fed the correct amounts.
But remember too much of a good thing could be harmful so don’t give them more than what’s recommended. Chives may be tasty but they won’t fulfill all of your bearded dragon needs.
So make sure you feed him other vegetables along with chives so he gets the right amount of nutrients every day.
Now, according to the Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1 tbsp of chopped chives provides the following:
Nutrients | Amount Per Tbsp |
Vitamin A | 6.43 mcg, or 1% of the DV |
Vitamin K | 6.38 micrograms (mcg), or 5% of the Daily Value (DV) |
Vitamin C | 1.74 milligrams (mg), or 2% of the DV |
Potassium | 8.88 mg, or less than 1% of the DV |
Calcium | 2.76 mg, or less than 1% of the DV |
Folate | 3.15 mcg, or 1% of the DV |
Energy | 0.9 calories |
Benefits And Negatives
There are many benefits to feeding chives but there are also some bad things that your bearded dragon could get from it.
There is no one diet for any animal, you need to know how much of each ingredient they should have and the best way to feed them these ingredients!
If not then there can be consequences like health problems or malnutrition.
Although nobody likes hearing about negative consequences this information will help prevent further issues with an already healthy pet.
- Chives Contain A Small Amount Of Choline
- Helps With Mood, Memory, Muscle Control
- Good For The Brain And Nervous System
- Low In Calcium
- Conatins Phosphorus
- High Levels Oxalic Acid
- Can Cause Metabolic Bone Disease
Will Bearded Dragons Like Eating Chives?
Bearded dragons will enjoy eating chive if it is mixed with other vegetables. They have a mild flavor that lizards will appreciate and can eat occasionally without any negative side effects.
Lizards don’t really care for the taste of the onion family plants like garlic or leeks, so bearded dragons probably won’t go out of their way to eat chive by themselves unless there isn’t anything else available.
It’s not poisonous for lizards but if you feed them too much then these bad boys might end up getting sick which could lead to death at worst so be careful.
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Types Of Chives Bearded Dragons Can Eat
Chives can be found in different varieties and they all have their own unique flavor! Some of the more common types that you will find include Garlic chives, and regular chives.
Garlic Chives – is often mistaken for its close relative garlic but it has a milder taste than normal garlic. It’s used as an herb or vegetable in most Asian dishes because of this subtlety so many people use it with fish, pork ribs, etc.
The leaves are flat like blades instead of cylindrical like other kinds of onions which also makes them easier to cut up into smaller pieces for recipes.
Regular Chives –These are the ones you will usually find in most grocery stores because they’re milder than garlic chives
It has flat, green leaves that can be easily chopped up for recipes! They are often found in soups or on top of baked potatoes as a garnish.
Both these chives are fantastic for your beardie to eat and will give them the same benefits mentioned in this article.
How To Prepare Chives For Bearded Dragons?
When preparing chives for bearded dragons it’s quick and fairly simple there are a few tips that you should follow.
- First, make sure to wash them thoroughly to remove any lose dirt or grit before serving them to your lizard.
- Second, cut off the dry ends of the chives on each side as these parts won’t be any benefit to your beardie.
- Thirdly, don’t use more than one or two trans per feeding this should be enough for your dragon’s diet and won’t cause any nutritional deficiency.
- Fourthly, always remember moderation is key when serving vegetables, so give them limited amounts making sure not to exceed five percent of their diet daily.
As you can see chives are a great vegetable to include in your bearded dragon’s diet! However, young dragons should not eat them because they could end up with metabolic bone disease or other health problems.
They are safe for adult lizards but only as treats and shouldn’t make up more than five percent of their daily diet.
Chives also have a nutritional value which is why it would be beneficial if mixed into the proper vegetables that will benefit your pet even further.
It’s best to serve chives raw or lightly cooked so all the nutrients aren’t lost during cooking.
Chive benefits do outweigh its risks when feeding this healthy treat just remember moderation is key again here too! With these tips, you’re sure to keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy for years to come!
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